IPRs >>
Ananthalakshmi Ammal
Patent for "Bio-inspired Controller for Finding Disjoint Paths in Software Defined Networks", No. 201841017231, Dated: 12-10-2018, Date of Grant: 06-11-2023
Vinod Chandra S S
Literary work for "Phototropic Algorithm", No. 2148/2018-CO/L, Dated.28-03-2018
Anand H S
Literary work for "Association Rule Mining Using Treap", No. 1293/2015-CO/L, Dated.13-08-2018
Saritha R
Literary work for "Mixed Species Particles Flocking Algorithm for Multi Objective Optimization", No. 3788/2016-CO/L, Dated.22-05-2017
Saritha R,
Literary work for "Multi dimensional honey bee foraging algorithm based on optimal energy consumption", No. 5500/2015-CO/L, Dated.19-10-2015
Vinod Chandra S S,
Literary work for "Smell Detection Agent based Optimization Algorithm", No. 55325/2014-CO/L, Dated.23-12-2014
Awards >>
Misaj Sharafudeen - Best paper
Springer International Conference on Health Informatics, Intelligent Systems and Networking Technologies, 14 - 15 March 2024, Manipal, India
Nitha V R- Best paper
International Conference on Emerging Computational Intelligence, 11 - 12 February 2023, Aligarh, India
Vinod Chandra S S - PDF
Two candidates (Dr. Raji C G and Dr. Shini Renjith) are selected Chief Minister's Nava Kerala Post-Doctoral Fellowship, May 2022.
Aswathy A L - Best paper
CSI Conference on Deep Learning & Applications, 19-20 February 2021, Thiruvananthapuram, india
Vinod Chandra S S - IT award
IT Award from Government of Kerala 2017 and 2018
Vinod Chandra S S - VMWare India
Award - Architects of What's Next, November 2018
Vinod Chandra S S - Malayalee Rathna award in Education Sector
Malayala Samskarika Vedi, Kerala, May 2018
Anand H S - best paper
Springer International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data (DMBD), 25 - 30 June 2016, Bali, Indonesia.
Salim A - Best paper
IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research(ICCIC), 26-28 December 2013, TamilNadu, India
Anand H S - Best paper
International Conference in Emerging Trends in computing, communication and Nanotechnology (IEEE ICE-CCN), 25 - 26 March 2013, TamilNadu, India